
  • [ 商品コード ] 1503-2125-4P
  • Bohle(独)
  • 1503-2125-4P:ボーレカットマスターPLT薄板用CB2125.4P 125°刃 (フロートガラスから硬質ガラスまで)

Special glass cutter with Cutmaster® Platinum cutting wheel · highest edge quality · minimum cutting pressure · can be used for dry cutting

The All-Round Talent
Due to their special micro-structure, which features a continuously sharp cutting edge these wheels achieve excellent cutting results with minimal cutting pressure, especially when cutting high quality thin glass, optical filters and quartz glass.
In extensive tests, excellent results have also been achieved with borosilicate glass and ceramic glass (Ceran, NeoCeran, Robax) in various thicknesses. Furthermore, float glass as well as glass tubes can be precisely cut with the Cutmaster® Platinum. With many different versions available, this cutting wheel is suitable to cut glass starting from a thickness of 0.1 mm. What effects does the micro-structure have? The micro-structure allows tensions to be transmitted into the glass with minimal cutting pressure, resulting in a very easy break of the glass. Due to the structure of the cutting edge, the cutting wheel penetrates as notches into the glass compared to standard wheels which score the glass along their whole circumference. As a result, micro-openings of the fissure are produced precisely in the cutting direction. Accompanying cracks and damages deviating from the score line are effectively avoided and edge damages reduced to a minimum.

Also ideal for dry cutting
In addition to the universal application fields, the Cutmaster Platinum® wheels are also ideal for dry cutting – avoiding any soiling from cutting fluids and the resulting time-consuming cleaning. Cutmaster® Platinum can be used in all common cutting lines – easily mounted and exchanged with the quick exchange system of Bohle. For standard requirements, carbide wheels are available – an even longer service life is achieved with wheels made of PCD.
  • [ 商品コード ] 1503-2125-4P
  • 価格28,000円(税込)
  • ポイント還元!ポイント還元
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AG:建材用ガラス(2-4mm)・型板ガラス (50)
EM イングリッシュマフル(ウイズマーク) (8)
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H:鉛線/真鍮棒 (95)
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ベベル/ナギット/ジュエル (158)
D1:電材/配線パーツ (298)
D2:ペンダント用照明器具 (27)
D3:EZP配線シリーズ (31)
E:キャップ/スパイダー/リング (117)
◇照明作家の電材・書籍◇ (112)
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システム96/System96 (28)
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特集:膨張係数90 ミルフィオリ (6)
MO:モレッティガラス(104) (265)
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BOHLE:ボーレ(独) (33)
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